Famous Mouths
At the beginning of 2020, AT&T decided to enter the streaming wars with a unique new video product, aptly named AT&T TV. An amalgamation of your favorite channels along with live TV, streaming services, and Google Assistant – all brought together by a voice-activated remote. 

As the company’s biggest product launch in years, it required an equally big campaign. So, we enlisted a few famous friends, including LeBron James, Elijah Wood, Martha Stewart, Missy Elliott, Ru Paul, Tracy Morgan, Evan Rachel Wood, Jonathan Van Ness, and fan favorite, Cookie Monster.

Our team was responsible for the creation of a fully integrated campaign that spanned digital, social, OOH, broadcast, media partnerships, a Facebook chatbot, a Giphy sticker pack, partner integrations, and the spots below (among many others), which ran in both digital and broadcast.

Creative Director/ Mike Costello
Creative Director / Katie Brinkworth
Creative Director / Dimitri Kalagas
ACD / Will Danilow
ACD/ Rance Randle
ACD / Brendan Duffy
sr. writer / Kristen Wellmer

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